dj set live

DJ Guillermo Monti
Argentine, Berlin
“Tango is a feeling, it´s passion,
it´s desire, nostalgia, happiness, sadness,
it´s a poem. This is how the tango is like,
this is how Buenos Aires is,
this is how I am.”
Born in Buenos Aires I grew up with Tango and since 2012 I am living in Berlin and Buenos Aires.
As a DJ, whether I am playing digital music or original vinyls, it is very important to me
that the dancers can hear the best possible quality of music. Currently, I am DJ’ing in local milongas in Berlin and Buenos Aires and I am travelling a lot through Europe for festivals and marathons like “EL Fuego” and “El Navegador” in Warsaw, “Marathon de Oro”, Krakow, “Festivalito de Verano” in Iasi Romania, “Tango Story” in Timisoara Romania, “Encuentro Portenio” Amsterdam, “Milonga Ideal” Moscu and many more.
Tango is a feeling, it´s passion, it´s desire, nostalgia, happiness, sadness, it´s a poem. This is how the tango is like, this is how Buenos Aires is, this is how I am.

DJ Cécile Descloux
France, Marseille
She discovered tango in Buenos Aires in 2012, dances since 2013 and DJs since 2019.
Her music is based on her experience as a dancer, in encuentros as well as in marathons. She chooses tangos from the golden age, with regular steps on Guardia Vieja and early 50’s. With joyful and playful, intense and full of emotions tangos, she pays attention to the diversity of orchestras, to serve the energy of the ronda.
She mainly plays in France (Carillon de la Mer near Marseille, Dans les Étoiles in Toulouse, MIA in Arles), but also in Germany (Heidelberg Tango Marathon, La Cuerda Tango Marathon in Frankfurt, Mattstedt Tango Marathon) and in Switzerland (CocoGardel).

DJ Fernando Nahmijas
Argentina, Madrid
Fernando met tango in Buenos Aires in 1997 and since then he has dedicated himself to tango as his only professional activity. 
Tango DJ, dancer, teacher and organizer of events and milongas. He currently runs the milonga "La Frontera" and the "Benia Tango Fest", both in Asturias and teaches regularly between Madrid and Gijón.

His musical selection, of traditional tendency with modern airs and lively curtains, seeks to adapt to the environment with a criterion based on his experience and on what he considers appropriate for each moment.